"Old and crippled but by no means decrepit, with fire of the South still burning in his eyes, Mingo Evans, a negro hero who fought with the Confederacy, is one of the most unique of the many characters to be seen here. Mingo was a slave of the Evans family, of Alabama. With his young master, Joe Evans, he went to Virginia in '61 with the Ninth Alabama. In the first battle of Manassas the master was shot down. Springing from behind him Mingo closed his master's eyes and seizing his gun from the nerveless fingers, took up the fight where his master left off. He was wounded severely in a later battle and was sent home. He recovered, but was incapacitated for further duty. He had taken to his home, however, a Yankee skull as a souvenir. This skull was later the cause of a hurried flight. Mingo used it for a tar-bucket. When the Federals heard of it they started for the offender, who promptly fled to the mountains, where he worked for the women and children. After the war he returned to the old home where he has since worked and saved his money. He paid his own way to the reunion, coming with veterans of Camp Horace King." Source: The Adair County News, June 6, 1900. |