George Bayless.-Born in Alexandria; farmer and overseer. Says he never has been inclined to the North; always a Southern man. This year he is overseer for Mrs. Lemoine. Says the scouts of the enemy often came onto the plantation of which he is overseer, but he always kept out of their way when he could. Never gave them information or aid. Believes he was arrested on the information of one Milstead, who was a tenant of Mrs. Lemoine's, and with whom Bayless had some difficulty about a field, which Mrs. Lemoine told Bayless that Milstead had not rented, but which Milstead claimed. Proved by Mr. Huntt and Mr. Thomas to bear a good character. Doctor Mason says he has known him for many years, and his character is as good as can be. Says his impression, founded on conversations with Bayless, is, he was a Southern man. Says Mrs. Lemoine is in Louisiana and all her property is in Bayless care. The charge against Bayless is active communication with the enemy. It is not directly made. It is said he was understood to be active in communicating with the enemy. No proof is before me. If any exists, Bayless as a citizen is entitled to its production, and to have the charge tried before the proper tribunal. No evidence has been furnished me to institute proceedings in any form. A prosecution in the proper forum for this charge will not be barred by his discharge now. For want of evidence, I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1454
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