FORT WARREN, Boston Harbor, May 22, 1862.
Brig. Gen. L. THOMAS,
Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
SIR: I have just received your telegram of the 21st and forward
herewith a list of all the privateersmen at this station, and have
required transportation of them of the assistant quartermaster at Boston.
I have five prisoners taken on board merchant vessels attempting
to run the blockade. I know it was the intention of the Government
to send these men across the lines for I forwarded several months ago
their names to the honorable Secretary of the Navy for this purpose.
They were ordered to be released by telegram from your office dated
21st February, but declined giving the usual pledge unless they could
be sent South alleging that they had rather remain prisoners than be
released to starve. The commissioners again ordered their release on
the 7th instant. I would therefore respectfully request an order to
send these men-viz, J. A. Douglass, Elijah Sibern, J. F. Newton, S. F.
Newton and R. S. Grissons-to Fort Monroe to be sent within the
Confederate lines with the privateersmen.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel First Artillery, Commanding Post.
List of prisoners captured from the privateer Beauregard and
received at Fort Warren March 23, 1862:
First Name |
Last Name |
Rank |
G. | Hay | Captain |
L. T. | Swan | First Lieutenant |
J. H. | Stewart | Second Lieutenant |
A. | Sulley | Purser |
J. B. | Davis | Seaman |
O. | Rowse | Seaman |
W. | Dangler | Seaman |
P. | Perry | Seaman |
J. | McGivern | Seaman |
John | Burns | Seaman |
John | Conway | Seaman |
Daniel | Culle | Seaman |
H. F. | Randolph | Seaman |
W. | Boyd | Seaman |
C. | Butcher | Seaman |
J. | Cameron | Seaman |
T. | McBurney | Seaman |
M. | Kenny | Seaman |
A. | Jackson | Seaman |
G. | Valentine | Seaman |
H. | Moylan | Seaman |
W. | Perkins | Seaman |
H. | Pahlon | Seaman |
R. C. | Busey | Seaman |
R. | Robinson | Seaman |
F. | Franka | Seaman |
John | Somer | Seaman |
Colonel First Artillery. Commanding Post.
Source: Official Records, Series 2, Volume 3.
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