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Co. Aytch, Sam Watkins

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Memoranda on arrest of E. Birch, Falls Church, Virginia. 1862.

E. Birch.-Says he was born in Alexandria County; is twenty-seven years old; lives with his father near Falls Church. His father went reguarly to Washington under a general pass until August last. Prisoner has not been to Washington since 1st of August, then he got a pass from General Sumner, who he says told him he would not give him another unless he moved within the lines. General Stuart's pickets were stationed at his father's house from the middle of August to last September, when prisoner was taken and brought away. He refuses to take the oath of allegiance but is willing to take oath of netrality. I think he should be retained as a prisoner of war.

SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1455

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