James W. Blackmore, the son of William M. and Rachel Barry Blackmore, was born in Gallatin, Sumner County, Tenn., March 9, 1843, and died May 11, 1914. Having received his earlier education in the primary school and his acedemic course at Transmount Academy, Mr. Blackmore was pursuing his collegiate course at Central University, Danville, Ky., when the War between the States began. Fired with the lofty patriotism so characteristic of his family, he hastened home and enlisted in Company I, 2d Tennessee Regiment. As first lieutenant of ordnance, he participated in the battles of Manassas, Richmond, Perryville, Murfreesboro, and all those battles of Johnston and Sherman's campaign, surrendering with the Western Army at Greensboro, N. C., on the very day that closed his four hard years' service to his country. In his military career he knew no motive higher than duty, no ambition loftier than devotion to his country. In his soldier's life he won the admiration and love of his comrades and the commendation of his superior officers by the untiring devotion to duty and enthusiasm that he manifested in the cause of his country. After the war he finished his lierary course and entered the Law Department of Cumberland University, from which he was graduated with honor in 1867. Soon thereafter he began the practice of his profession, in which he became especially proficient and prominent, being regarded as a strong and able advocate and finally advancing to the very forefront of our ablest and most successful practitioners. Mr. Blackmore was always a strong partisan Democrat and always deeply interested in the important discussions of the day. As State Senator he ably represented the counties of Sumner, Robertson, and Trousdale, 1883-87, making a slendid record for his integrity, his honesty, and faithful discharge of every duty. In his after life many times he was sought by his people to return to political life, but he invariably declined. Mr. Blackmore was very active in the inauguration of the city schools of Gallatin, and from their very inception he became a member of the board of education and for seventeen years he was chairman of this board, holding his position at his death. Every impulse of his heart seemed to go out toward the education and the promotionof the youth of the country; and, next to his Church, the buliding up of schools seemed his fondest ideal. He was very enthusiastic over the progress and maintenance of Howard Colleg and for years was a prominent member of the board of visitors of that institution, He also took and active part in the establishment of the Sumner County Training School. He was not only generous with his time and influence, but liberal to a fault with his financial aid. He was at all times a friend to the poor and a generous giver to the widows and orphans. As he was a gallant and chivalrous soldier, so until his death he was throughly imbued and in true sympathy with the tenets for which he had fought. He was a charter member of Donelson Bivouac, and unless urgently called off, he was always present at the meetings, taking an active part in the dispatch of all important business. He was one of the active workers in the building of the Confederate monument, giving his time and money to erect the beautiful memorial that stands upon our grounds. He held every office and honor which his comrades could confer, and assuredly the memory of Comrade Blackmore will ever remain fresh and green in the hearts of this Bivouac, whose members so fondly loved him. Mr. Blackmore was married twice, first, in November, 1871, to Miss Maria L. Ewing, who died in 1896, and then to Miss Lola Ezell, who survives him. Both wives were intellectual and affectionate, making his life happy and his home one of joy and peaceful contentment. In the loss of this chivalrous soldier, this able lawyer, this devoted Christian, this esteemed and honored fellow citizen, this true and tried friend, his people recognized a sad affliction and that his place could hardly be filled. He was faithful in the discharge of every duty, his ideals were of the very highest, his devotion to friend and to principle true and uncompromising.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, June, 1915.
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