Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bleckley, widow of Sylvester Bleckley, died at her home in Anderson, S. C., after months of declining health. She is survived by five daughters, three brothers, and a sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond Bleckley was born on her father's country estate, near Anderson, S. C., in 1837. She received her early education at country schools and later became a student at Johnson University, of Anderson, from which she was graduated with distinction in 1853, She early evinced literary ability and was noted for he dialect stories, the material for which she found on her father's plantation. Mrs. Bleckley was a member of the R. E. Lee Chapter, U. D. C., of Anderson, since its organization, some twenty years ago, and no Confederate reunion of that section was complete without her presence and the word of love which she never failed to speak for her "boys in gray." She was a prominent member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, serving as a member of the Committee on Historical Research and Preservation of Records. As a member of the local Civic Association she was ever ready to do anything for the betterment of her community. In all the duties of life, as Churchwoman, wife, mother, friend, she remained the same lovable, beautiful character of early years. Throughly enjoying life in its most beautiful phases, the sunshine of her presence brought pleasure to all with whom she came in contact.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, April, 1915.
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