Private W. Bowling, Co. B, 1st Maryland Cavalry, aged 22 years, was wounded at Gettysburg, July 4, 1863, and entered the Frederick Hospital two days afterwards. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. S. Adams reported: "The patient was wounded by a minie ball which entered two inches above the right patella, passing downward, striking that bone and glancing, and came out at its lower border, without causing fracture or involving the joint. The patient's general health was good. Coldwater dressings were ordered, and rest. July 20th, evidence of erysipelas appeared this morning; bowels constipated; pulse quick. Ordered lead and opium wash to the knee joint, and gave three compound rhubarb pills. 21st, bowels open freely ; pulse less frequent ; tongue furred, with red edges and tip; skin dry; loss of appetite; erysipelas extending above and below the wound. Applied tincture of iodine around the limb beyond the disease. 23d, erysipelas extending rapidly; considerable gastric irritation; pulse quick but feeble. Ordered one pint of milk-punch a day, and three grains of quinine three times a day. 24th, erysipelas still extending and now occupying the entire right leg and thigh, and the pelvic region down the left thigh as far as the knee; right limb very cedematous and assuming a decided phlegmonous character. Evaporating lotions of ether were ordered to the worst points, and the other treatment continued. 30th, erysipelas still extending up the body and now occupies the entire left limb. It has subsided in its original seat, and desquamation has taken place. Numerous longitudinal incisions, extending from the instep to the toes of the left foot, were made to relieve the tension. Stimulants were increased to one pint of whiskey per day, and beef-tea and generous diet pushed as far as possible. August 2d, general condition much better, but erysipelas still continues on the feet and ankles, and there is some sloughing of the integuments over the metatarsus of the left foot owing to the incisions not having been made in due time. August 6th, condition still improving; erysipelas has nearly disappeared. 9th. decidedly convalescent; ulcer of left foot granulating finely; appetite good. 30th, ulcer entirely healed; wound of knee nearly so. October 13th, wounds entirely healed, and patient this day transferred to Baltimore." Surgeon T. H. Bache, U. S. V., reported that the patient was paroled from West's Buildings Hospital November 12, 1863.
SOURCE: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Volume 2, Part 3.
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