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Memoranda of Arrest of O. Norris Bryan, Charles County, MD. From Record Book, U.S. Department of State, "Arrests for Disloyalty"

0. Norris Bryan was arrested January 28,1862, at his home in Charles County, Md., by order of the Secretary of State on complaint of L. C. Baker and confined in the Old Capitol. His secession proclivities were proven from several letters accompanying the report of his arrest all of which contain strong rebel sentiments. Samuel Barker testifies that he knows Bryan well and that he has often heard him abuse the United States Government in the bitterest manner and express for the Confederate States the warmest sympathy. These expressions were made in the most public manner on the steam-boat Thomas Colyer. Before and after his arrest he refused to take the oath of allegiance. The said Bryan remained in custody at. the Old Capitol Prison February 15, 1862, when in conformity with the order of the War Department of the preceding day he was transferred to the charge of that Department.

SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 343

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