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Obituary of B. H. Byrd, Lady Lake, Florida.

After an illness of several weeks, B. H. Byrd died at his home in Lady Lake, Fla., at the age of seventy-seven years. He was born in Tennessee and spent the early years of his life in that State and Mississipppi. He located in Florida some thirty-six years ago, making his home at Lady Lake most of that time, and was one of the most loved and respected citizens of the community. He had been postmaster there for about twenty years, and was appreciated for his courtesy and patience in that position.

Comrade Byrd was a brave soldier of the Confederacy, entering the Confederate Army as a boy and serving the whole four years of the war. He was a loyal member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a steward and Sunday school superintendent for a number of years.

His wife survives him with a son and daughter. His brother Masons and comrades of the Confederacy laid him to rest in the cemetery at Lady Lake and covered the grave with beautiful flowers. The Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy passed resolutions expressing the sense of loss sustained in the passing of this veteran friend, whose memory will be loved and cherished. Love of home and country were among his high ideals of this life.

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, Febraury, 1922.

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