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List of prisoners confined in the Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C., March 17, 1862

Last First Middle Suffix Date of Arrest Title Nature of Offense
Greenhow Rose O'Neal Aug. 23, 1861 Forwarding information to the rebels; dangerous, skillful spy.
Ball Summerfield Oct. 9, 1861 Communicating with rebels.
Cross B. J. Oct. 10, 1861 Giving aid and information to the rebels.
Watkins George S. Sept. 23, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels.
Watkins Rudolph Sept. 23, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels.
Jones Thomas A. Oct. 4, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels.
Getty W. F. Oct. 1, 1861 Having communication with the rebels.
Nettleton Alfred Sept. 11, 1861 Corresponding with the rebels.
Burson John W. Sept. 11, 1861 Corresponding with the rebels.
Carper P. W. Nov. 27, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Day William B. Nov. 27, 1861 Dr. Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Day John T. Nov. 27, 1861 Dr. Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Gunnell R. H. Nov. 27, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Farr John B. Nov. 27, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Coleman C. W. Nov. 27, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Poole Thomas E. Dec 6, 1861 Communicating with the rebels.
Poole James H. Dec 6, 1861 Communicating with the rebels.
Poole Bernard B. Dec. 6, 1861 Communicating information to the rebels.
De Bell John T. Nov. 27, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Coleman George Dec. 6, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Eaton William Dec 2, 1861 Found within our lines with citizen's dress over a rebel uniform.
Williams Hosea H.H. Dec. 4, 1861 Claims to be a deserter from the rebels, although wearing a uniform like New York volunteers.
McCurdy James W. Dec. 25, 1861 Carrying men across the Potomac in a boat.
Michael A. J. Dec. 31, 1861* Furnishing provisions and aiding rebellion.
Fleece W. J. Oct. 28, 1861* Opposition to Federal Government.
Shepard R. D. Jr. Nov. 27, 1861* Taking up arms against the Government.
Shepard A. Nov. 27, 1861* Taking up arms against the Government.
Johnson George H. Nov. 27, 1861* Taking up arms and aiding rebels.
Donaldson Moses P. Jan. 5, 1862 Engaged in transporting cargo of goods to Virginia.
Cohen J. Barrett Jan. 5, 1862 Engaged in conveying persons and goods to the rebels.
Brown Henry C. Jan. 10, 1862 Coming into our lines under suspicious circumstances.
Coleman Richard Dec 6, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Dent George Sr. Nov. 11, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels.
Dent George Jr. Nov. 11, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels.
Moore W. F. Oct. 13, 1861 Conveying information to rebel pickets.
Scanland O. Allen Nov 11, 1861 Active in notifying Union men that they were drafted into the rebel miltia.
McDaniel John Nov 11, 1861 Acvtive in notifying Union men that they were drafted into the rebel militia.
Welch John Dec. 3, 1861 Deserted previously from Third U.S. Infantry.
Ellis F. M. Dec. 20, 1861 Employed in secret service of General McClellan and communicating information to the rebels.
Van Camp Aaron Dec. 21, 1861 Communicating with the rebels.
Farr James Dec. 20, 1861 Assassination of U.S. pickets.
Baxley C. V. Dec. 29, 1861 Mrs. Carrying information to Richmond.
Gromley George M. Jan. 10, 1862 Attempting to enter rebel States.
Landstreet A. C. Jan. 15, 1862 Evidence not yet received.
Crawford John W. Jan. 13, 1862 Alleged to be connected with the murder of U.S. troops near Pohick Run, Va.
Bayliss Bushrod W. Jan. 13, 1862 Alleged to be connected with the murder of U.S. troops near Pohick Run, Va.
Plasket Mathew Jan. 13, 1862 Alleged to be connected with the murder of U.S. troops near Pohick Run, Va.
McGlincey G. D. Nov. 27, 1861 Taking up arms and aiding rebels.
Wharton Jesse B. Dec 22, 1861 Taking up arms and aiding rebels.
Wharton Jesse B. Dec. 22, 1861 Taking up arms and aiding rebels.
Fisher W. L. Dec 13, 1861 Forwarding communications to the rebels.
Stewart Henry A. Dec 12, 1861 Employed by J.P. Benjamin, rebel Secretary of War.
Follen Charles Dec. 19, 1861 Furnishing information to the rebels and oppressing Union men.
Offutt John F.C. Jan. 20, 1862 Communicating with the rebels and forwarding goods to Virginia.
Marshall John A. Jan. 31, 1862 Carrying information to rebels.
Potter James Jan. 31, 1862 Spy and shooting Union pickets.
Bryan Oliver N. Jan. 31, 1862 Prisoner of state.
Bailey Josiah E. Feb. 1, 1862 Spy; rebel officer found in Washington in citizen's clothes.
Rasin R. W. Prisoner of state.
Dickens Francis A. Spy.
Jenkins B. H. Recommitted.
Walworth M. T. Jan. 31, 1862 Spy; connected with Mrs. Morris and Wm. T. Smithson.
Morris Augusta H. Mrs. Spy; actively connected with Walworth, Smithson and others. Sent to Washington by General Johnston.
Magruder Thomas J. Feb. 11, 1862 Spy (discharged).
Haycock Thomas Feb. 13, 1862 Spy.
Curtis Warren Feb. 13, 1862 Spy; prowling about Union camps.
Bryan William P. Feb. 21, 1862 Spy and unquestionably employed by rebel Government.
Bryan E. Pliny Feb. 21, 1862 Spy; belonged to rebel signal corps.
Ogden William Feb. 19, 1862 No evidence.
McCarty A. L. Feb 21, 1862 Mrs. Spy, as shown by the papers found upon her.
Adams Charles W. Feb. 22, 1862 Spy; a bad and desperate man.
Jarboe J. J. Feb. 23, 1862 Treason.
Widmeyer Joseph Feb. 25, 1862 Spy, could not be discharged with safety.
Drane Robert Prisoner of state.
Cusick John H. Prisoner of state.
Murphy James E. Prisoner of state.
Orrison Jonah Prisoner of state.
Dawson Arthur Prisoner of state.
Claughton H. O. No data.
Green James Prisoner of state.
Harper W. W. Prisoner of state.
Price W. B. Prisoner of state.
Brown W. M. Prisoner of state.
Hough E. S. Prisoner of state.
Burke John W. Prisoner of state.
Field John A. Prisoner of state.
Avery W. Prisoner of state.
McGraw J. E. Prisoner of state.
Marbury W. H. Prisoner of state.
Green Stephen A. Prisoner of state.
McKnight W. H. Prisoner of state.
Fleming A. J. Prisoner of state.
Taylor W. Arthur Prisoner of state.
Dangerfield J. B. Prisoner of state.
Smith John L. Prisoner of state.
Cogan W. Prisoner of state.
English James A. Prisoner of state.
Peel Henry Prisoner of state.
Snowden Edgar J. Prisoner of state.
Field H. C. Prisoner of state.
Norris William H. Mrs. Spy; arrested in Baltimore.
Benman Jackson Spy; has been arrested three times.
Elgin Charles F. Spy; might be discharged on taking oath.
Rochford Christopher No data.
McVeigh T. J. Spy; was chaplain of Second Virginia Volunteers.
Means Noble B. Correspondence with rebels.
Lee Alfred Firing into cars containing Union men.
Ball John No data.
Young Joshua Carrying supplies to rebel camp.
Schley Tench Dec. 12, 1861 Carrying on contraband trade with the rebels.
Connor James Aug. 1, 1861* Spy; no evidence.

* Date approximate

Source: Official Records, Series 2, Volume 2, pgs. 271-272

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