Jerry S. Crook went to Texas just prior to the battle of San Jacinto and grew to manhood in Lamar County. Springing from sturdy, liberty-loving pioneer stock, the fibers of his splendid nature were strengthened and enlarged by association with a people who had wrested and empire from the hands of tyrants. Circumstance and the environments of a wild and romantic country went into building of this man and comrade. He had those qualities of heart and soul which all men admire and which it is given few men to possess. Loving peace, the amiable qualities of his nature ever in the ascendant and strengthened by the Christian religion, he was at the same time a soldier who took no thought of fear. When the alarm of war was sounded, Comrade Crook enlisted in the 9th Texas Infantry, whose colonel was the distinguished Sam Bell Maxey, and was elected first lieutenant of Company A. Always earnest and whole of purpose, no finer comrade or braver soldier ever went to war. When the flag he had followed went down, Comrade Crook, ever ready to respond to the right, went back into the ranks of peace and began to help in the rebuilding of his war-torn and devastated country. Just as in "days of danger, nights of waking," he had been in his duty prompt at every call, civil discord and wrong found in him a foreman, and at all times his voice and energies were for his peoples betterment. A soldier and citizen of the highest type, with the conscienciousness of every duty well performed, old in years, rich in the love of family, friends, and ancient comrades, he has passed from among us. [From memorial resolutions by A. S. Johnston Camp, Paris, Tex. Committee: J. M. Long, L. W. Ross, P. M. Speairs.]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, September, 1916.
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