G. T. Cullins writes from Caledonia, Ark.: "For history's sake, let's correct all mistakes and cooperated for the truth in all that's written. In the VETERAN for October, page 398, appears a short article on "Gibson's Brigade at New Hope Church," in which Mrs. Mary D. Ruiz, of Fincastle, Va., refers to Gibson's Brigade, of Walthall's Division, as taking part in that battle. I was a member of Clayton's Alabama Brigade, and side by side with Gibson's Louisiana Brigade, in Sutart's Division, and not Walthall's. Clayton's Alabama Brigade, Stovall's Georgia Brigade and Gibson's Louisiana Brigade constituted Stuart's Division from about the Chickamauga battle to January, 1865. At New Hope Church, Gibson's Brigade was shoulder to shoulder with Clayton's Alabama Brigade, and there were no better men in the service than Gibson's boys."
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, December, 1922.
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