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Memo on Arrest of Daniel Deckart, Hagerstown, Md. Sept. 1861

This person [Daniel Deckart] was arrested by U. S. Marshal Lamon, of the District of Columbia, in September, 1861, and committed to the Thirteenth Street Prison in Washington. He was the publisher of the paper in Hagerstown, Md., called The Hagerstown Mail, and it is presumed that he made it a disloyal sheet, though there are no charges on file in the Department of State against him. Having made application for his release and expressed a willingness to take the oath of allegiance an order was issued from the Department of State directing General Porter, provost-marshal of Washington, to release Deckart on his taking the oath of allegiance and stipulating not to enter or correspond with any of the insurrectionary States. He was accordingly released October 9, 1861.

Source: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2

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