MEETING AT DOVER, DELAWARE, JUNE 27,1861. The following are the resolutions passed on the occasion: 1. Resolved, That while we deeply deplore the revolution which has severed eleven States from the Union, we prefer peace to civil war, and believe that if a reconciliation by peaceful means shall become impossible, the acknowledgment of the independence of the Confederate States is preferable to an attempt to conquer and hold them as subjugated provinces. 2. That the reign of terror attempted to be inaugurated by the war party, by denouncing all men as disunionists, secessionists, and traitors, who are opposed to civil war, and to the palpable and gross violations of the Constitution, committed by the present Administration, will not deter us from the expression of our opinions, both privately and publicly. 3. That we believe the effect of the doctrines and measures of the war party, if not their object and intent, under the name of preserving the Union, will be the subversion of the State Governments, and the erection of a consolidated government on the ruins of the federal Constitution. Resolved, That we tender our grateful thanks to Senators Bayard and Saulsbury, for the bold and patriotic stand they assumed, in the recent session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, for the maintenance of the peace and prosperity of our now distracted country, and we earnestly request them to use all honorable means to bring the “civil war” which now hangs over us like an incubus, to a speedy close, and, if in their judgment no other mode presents itself whereby this end can be attended, to advocate the acknowledgment by the United States Government of the independence of the Confederate States, so that peace and prosperity may be restored among us.
Resolved, That the menace demanding the resignation of the Hon. James A. Bayard, one of our Senators in the Senate of the United States, originated in mob spirit, and should receive from him the scorn and contempt which it merits from every honorable man. Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting, there is no necessity for convening the Legislature of this State. |