WASHINGTON, D. C., September 12, 1861. Hon. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. Sir: Immediately after the arrest of my brother, on consultation with some of his friends I employed a man named Benjamin Egglestone, of this city, to carry a letter to Richmond. I selected this man because I had known him for many years, and because he was acquainted with many persons in Richmond who had gone from Baltimore, and because of his sympathy with the South, and was active and shrewd. I took care as far as possible that my commission should be the sole purpose of his trip. I furnished him with money to pay expenses and gave him a letter to my brother from his wife. He left here in the stage, crossed the Potomac and made his way to Richmond partly on foot. The Star of the same date published his departure with the remark that he was a noted secessionist. After visiting Richmond and delivering the letter with verbal messages from myself he returned to Baltimore, making forty miles of the journey on foot. His friends here and in Baltimore, knowing of the publication in the Star and fearful of his arrest if he returned here, advised him to remain in Baltimore. While I was about to apply to you for a pass to enable him to return to his family here he was arrested and has been confined in Fort McHenry for the last ten days. That he has been guilty of any disloyal act or any indiscretion in Baltimore since his return there I am not aware, but believe that his arrest was solely on account of his visit to Richmond. Under these circumstances I would most respectfully ask you to inclose to me an order to the commander at Fort McHenry to release the said Benjamin Egglestone, with a pass to return to his family in this city. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
SEPTEMBER 12, 1861. Please let this man be released. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War.
SOURCE: Official Records, Series 2, Volume 2.
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