Rev. Dr. Foster Ely, whose death occurred in New York City recently, was born in 1836. He enlisted as a Confederate soldier in Company A (Captain Brown, of Canton, Miss.), 18th Mississippi Infantry, Barksdale's Brigade, and later served as a chaplain. He was with General Lee and received a wound at Malvern Hill. In 1862 he was made chaplain of the 18th Mississippi Infantry and also served as chaplain of the post at Mobile, Ala., Montgomery, Ala., Rome, Ga., and Richmond, Va. In the memorial resolutions passed by the New York Camp of Confederate Veterans it is said: "Whether in the field, forum or pulpit, Comrade Ely was always actuated by a strict sense of duty; and by his example more than by his precept he not only guided but led all with whom he came in contact to those paths along the highway of life the borders of which are fragrant with the blossoms of peace and contentment. Dedicating his life to the service of the Divine Master, he recognized the duty of rendering "unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" and bore to his grave evidences of this in the scars from wounds received at Malvern Hill. As a soldier he was without repraoch, as a pastor without guile, as a friend without doubt, as a man without fear, and in the humble walks of life a light that never lost its brightness. The world is better that such men have lived, and the grave has won no victory in his death, for his memory will live beyond the sting of death. Recognizing the many qualities of heart and mind that have endeared Comrade Ely to all who have been privileged to feel the sweet influence of his genial nature, this Camp in regular and stated meeting on the 23d of March, 1916. "Resolved,That in the death of Comrade Foster Ely this world has lost a Christian gentleman, this Camp a cherished comrade, his associates a wise counselor, and weak humanity an unselfish friend." [Clarence R. Hatton, Adjutant, U. C. V. of N. Y.]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, June, 1916.
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