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Farnin Gamble Hallburton Hanks Lyle Thomas

Obituary of W. J. Gamble, Lebanon, Tennessee.

Capt. W. J. Gamble was born and reared in Williamson County, Tenn., but removed to Wilson County soon after becoming of age. As a young man he entered the employ of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad and soon held a responsible position in the company. He continued in its employ for over forty years, being retired on a pension some ten or twelve years ago. At the outbreak of the War between the States he was in the employ of the railroad, but enlisted in Company B, 20th Tennessee Infantry, Colonel Beattie's regiment. In the fall of 1862 he was put in charge of a train as conductor and ran this train in South Carolina. Captain Gamble took part in the battles of Fishing Creek and Shiloh, in both of which he distinguished himself.

When President Cleveland visited Nashville, Maj. John W. Thomas, President of the N. C. & St. L. Railway, selected Captain Gamble as the best man in his service to put in charge of the President's special train from Nashville to Chattanooga, and so well did he perform this duty that he received the personal thanks of President Cleveland.

Early in life Captain Gamble united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he died in full assurance that he could "read his title clear." He was twice married, and by the first marriage there were three children, all of whom are dead. His second wife was Miss Lou Hanks, who survives him. Their silver wedding anniversary would have been celebrated in February. Captain Gamble's death occurred on Christmas Eve night, and he was buried on the afternoon of Christmas Day. Revs. G. G. Hallburton, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, B. S. Lyle, of the Methodist Church, and G. W. Farnin, of the Christian Church, officiated, and comrades of the S. G. Shepherd Camp, U. C. V., of Lebanon, were the pallbearers.

Captain Gamble always stood for the right, and in death the city and county have lost one of their best citizens, and the Camp of Confederate Veterans a loyal and enthusistic member.

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, February, 1915.

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