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Co. Aytch, Sam Watkins

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Memoranda on arrest of A. B. Gesh, Fayette, Virginia. 1862.

A. B. Gesh (Buck Mason).-Was born in Botetourt County, Va.; removed to Fayette several years since. Has borne a good character as an honest, industrious man; arrested by the militia. Was a Union man up to the passage of the ordinance of secession by Virginia. No cause for his arrest stated; probably on mere suspicion. Colonel Coleman proves he was at General Beckley's camp immediately after the arrest, when the question whether Gesh ought to have been arrested was discussed, and no cause was then alleged. I recommend he be discharged on taking the oath of allegiance. Witnesses examined, Colonel Coleman, Mr. Alderson.

SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1438

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