Noah Getz.-Hardy Connty.Says he voted for the Union but is willing to abide by the decision of Virginia to secede. Supports the State. Has never joined the home guard. Says he had intended to move to Ohio since he was married. He started to go there and was stopped by the home guard at Shell's Gap and turned back. Staid a day with his family at Shell's Gap. Served with the militia and fought against the Yankees at Petersburg. Says he will support the South and is willing to take the oath of allegiance. Of this man Wilhite in his deposition says: Was with them several days at Shell's Gap. Wanted to move his family to Ohio, but could not get through. Had been in a fight in Petersburg on the side of the Sonth. Was with them at Mill Creek and has drilled with them. He seems to be an ignorant man not acquainted with the condition of the country, but I think is with the South. I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1456
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