The Confederate Association of Kentucky (George B. Eastin Camp, No. 803, U. C. V., Louisville) in resolution deeply regrets the death of its honored and highly esteemed member, Sergt. Maj. John W. Green, who departed to the paradise of God on June 13, 1920. "Death, the old mystery dim, Midnight to us, morning to him." He was born October 8, 1841, near Henderson, Ky. He came to Louisville in childhood, graduated from high school at sixteen, and began a brilliant business career. The war came, and at nineteen he enlisted in the 9th Kentucky Infantry of the Orphan Brigade, C. S. A., and served with singular success. He was wounded twice and at first would not leave the battle field. He became sergeant major of his regiment in April, 1863. When peace came he returned to Louisville, entered the banking business, and was efficient, faithful worker in the financial field for more the fifty years. With most polished manners went his high intellectual honesty, and in that high honor he never fell back from his conscientous connections, and his heart was the happy home of desire to help humanity and to honor God. When the reverses came he heroically overcame them, Fine manhood is helped by disaster. He was a beloved associate in Confederate affairs, serving on the staffs of Generals Gordon, Lee, Harrison, and others; he was also Adjutant of the Third Brigade and Treasurer of the Orphan Brigade, in every service supreme satisfation. His death leaves a great gap in the ranks of the gray. The world lost a hero, the State a good citizen, the Church a faithful follower of the Captain of our salvation, who said: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." We will cherish his memory. To his sorrowing loved ones, the greatest losers, we tender our sincerest sympathy and commend them to the consolodation of the God of love. [Committee: Thomas D. Osborne, John H. Leathers. E. Polk Johnson]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, July, 1920.
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