Edward J. Hale, soldier, journalist, diplomat, and statesman, died at his home in Fayetteville, N. C., on February 15, 1922. He was Fayetteville's first citizen, having labored faithfully and untiringly during the long years of his public service for the advancement of his home city. Major Hale was born in Fayetteville on December 25, 1839, the youngest son of Edward J. and Margaret Walker Hale. His father was editor and publisher of the Fayetteville Observer for many years prior to the War between the States, during which time it reached a high degree of influence throughout the South, and during the last days of the war the Observer was the only paper published within the Confederate lines. The newspaper plant was burned by General Sherman, and after the war Major Hale went with his father to New York, where they entered the business of book publishers. Major Hale later returned to Fayetteville and reestablished the Observer, of which he was the publisher until three years ago. During the War between the States he served with distinction in the 5th North Carolina Infantry until appointed to the staff of General Lane, with the rank of major, and shortly before the close he was designated for promotion to brigadier general. During the Cleveland administration, Major Hale was appointed United States counsul to Manchester, England, and it was while serving in that post that he became interested in the system of locks and canals used in England and on the continent. On his return to this country he instituted the movement for the canalization of the Cape Fear River, and it was almost entirely due to him that the project was indorsed by the National Waterways Association and adopted by Congress. In 1913 he was appointed by President Wilson as minister to Costa Rica, but the overthrow of the existing government caused his recall. Possessing pleasing personality, a scholarship that was broad and deep, a big heart, and the spirit of old-fashioned hospitality, Major Hale was widely known and numbered his friends among the great and humble.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, April, 1922.
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