Samuel Baldwin Hannah was born in Charlotte County, Va., October 19, 1843, and at the age of sixteen he entered Hampden-Sidney College. When the War between the States cam on he entered the Confederate army, but later on he entered the Virginia Military Institute, and was graduated in 1863, when he reentered the army. After the war he taught school at Frankford, W. Va. On November 4, 1874, he was married to Miss Lizzie A. Hevener, of Green Bank, W. Va. On January 19, 1921, he entered quietly into his rest, at the home of his son, at Cass, W. Va. At his own request the services were held in Liberty Church. Mr. Hannah was survived by his step-mother, a brother, two sisters, six sons, and three daughters, one son died some years ago. Comrade Hannah leaves also an enviable record as citizen soldier, scholar, gentleman, and Christian. As a citizen, he had the honor of being a member of the first county court of Pocahontas. As a soldier, he served with distinction and honor. As a scholar, he had the honor of serving as the first superintendent of public schools in his adopted county. As a gentleman, he was always true, a model of the "old Virginia" type. As a Christian, he began early by uniting with the Presbyterian Church. Soon after marriage, he was elected elder in Liberty Church, and served faithfully for more than forty-five years. For many years he was superintendent of the Sunday school in his home Church and at Boyer. He often represented his session in Presbytery and Synod. "He being dead yet speaketh," speaketh in the lives of his children and the many who came under his teaching and that saw his noble character in public and private life.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, April, 1922.
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