Capt. Thomas Hill Haughton, of Charlotte, N. C., died November 16, 1915, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, where he had gone for treatment, his health having been poor for two or three years. He was the oldest son of the late John H. and Eliza Alice Hill Haughton and was born in Pittsboro, Chatham County, N. C., July 14, 1841. He entered the University of North Carolina when quite a lad and graduated with highest honors before he was twenty years of age. His diploma was signed by Governors Swain, Ellis, Morehead, Manly, and Bragg and by two judges of the North Carolina Supreme Court, Ruffin and Battle. His father, who was a very prominent lawyer, wanted his son to follow his profession; but the War between States broke out, and his brave and patriotic spirit called him to his country's aid. He entered the army as a first lieutenant in the 16th North Carolina Regiment and was afterwards made captain in Maj. J. C. McRae's battalion, where he remained all during the war. At one time he was appointed by Governor Clark as provost marshal of Raleigh, N. C., when everything was in a very unsettled state. To the end of his life Thomas H. Haughton was true to the principles for which he fought. The Confederacy was a cause sacred to him, and its memories were among his most cherished recollections. After the war, his father's large fortune having been swept away, he realized that he nust go to work. He engaged in farming for two or three years in Chatham County, near Pittsboro, N. C., afterwards going to New York, where he secured a very good position in the wholesale hardware business. He returned to Charlotte, N. C., in the early seventies and engaged in the life insurance business and afterwards in the fire insurance business. He had a large territory of several States and continued in active business up to the time of his death. He was always interested in the welfare of Charlotte, his adopted home, and gave liberally of his time and means to almost every enterprise in the city. When the cotton mill business was first started in Charlotte (it may not be generally known), the first meeting was held in his office, over which he presided, and afterwards he became a stockholder in severalof the mills. He was happily married in Raleigh, N. C., to Miss Ella Andrews, sister of the late Col. A. B. Andrews, in 1881, in the Church of the Good Shepherd, by Rev. Edward R. Ritch, assisted by Bishop Lyman. His wife and six children survive him. He was truly a Christian gentleman and a loyal member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He was a man of honor, the balance sheet of his life being correct, his integrity above question. Personally, he was most attractive, kindly, genial, with all ages and classes. Captain Haughton was a gentleman of the purest type, modest, gentle, firm, and he had a warm, affectionate nature, his devotion to his home and family being a beautiful chapter in his life. A more devoted and indulgent husband and father never lived.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, February, 1916.
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