General Jackson visited Richmond on Sunday and asked [Capt. Hugh] McGuire, [Col. Alexander S.] Pendleton and myself to go to church with him. Almost unknown in Richmond, and unobserved because of his simplicity, the hero of the Shenandoah rode quietly through the streets of the Capital to the sanctuary. Many persons whose great desire was to get a glimpse of him looked at him as he quietly passed and knew him not. He went to straight to the Presbyterian Church (the Reverend Dr. Moses D. Hoge), or rather to the corner nearest it. Putting the horses in charge of an orderly, we entered the church and were conducted to a side pew. The services had begun and no one seemed to notice the presence of the General until they were ended. As the benediction was pronounced, glances, whisperings soon becoming audible, a gentle excitement, and rising confusion indicated that he had been discovered. The people declined the invitation of the open doors and pushed forward toward the pew, from which the General was trying to escape. For awhile he was cut off and surrounded and could not cut his way out; there was no relief in sight. The staff were run over and squeezed into a corner and otherwise disregarded, and were very little stars on the solar splendor of our Chief. But in the end we came to his rescue and got him out.
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