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Covington Houston Hunter McCauley Stroud

Obituary of Robert V. Houston, Monroe, North Carolina.

Robert V. Houston was a Confederate veteran, and his old comrades never had a more helpful friend nor one who did more to make life more pleasant for them. In the meetings of his Camp he made the most obscure member feel that all barriers between comrades were burned away by the fires of fellowship and good will. He had a kindly word, a helping hand for the unfortunate comrade. His heart was big, and his comradeship and good cheer will long be missed.

Mr. Houston was a native of Monroe, N. C., and the only son of the late H. M. Houston, one of the most prominent citizens of his county. He was born in 1848 and was but a boy when he joined Capt. C. M. McCauley's company, 10th Battalion of North Carolina Artillery. He was not only a good soldier and a kind companion to his comrades in arms, but a prominent man in civic life, having been mayor of Monroe for a number of years. He also represented his county in the legislature and ever stood for the things that tended to the progress and betterment of his community. He was educated in the best schools of his section, and his fine mind and great snese of humor made him welcome in any circle.

Mr. Houston was twice married, his first wife having been Miss Lessie Covington, daughter of Maj. D. A. Covington, a prominent citizen of Union County. Of this union there are three sons and two daughters surviving. His second marriage was to Miss Nannie Stroud, of a prominent family of South Carolina and great-granddaughter of the distinguished soldier and minister, Rev. Humphrey Hunter, of Mecklinburg fame. She survives him, with a son and two daughters.

His death occurred at his home, in Monroe, on January 17, 1914, and as a soldier of the cross he met the last great enemy, death, unafraid.

[By some unfortunate circumstance this notice did not have attention at the proper time and appears now as tribute due an honored patron and friend of the VETERAN.-Editor.]

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, January, 1916.

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