William Alfred Hudnall was born in Northumberland County, Va., April 5, 1828, and died at the home of his nephew, J. B. Hudnall, at Lillian, in Northumberland County, on November 18, 1915, having reached the ripe age of eighty-seven years. He had spent his memoriable life of so many years within his native county, enjoying in full measure country life on his beautiful and productive farm, Waverly. Being a man of means and influence in his community in intimate relationship with were blessed and his acquaintance esteemed by all. Early in life he married Miss Novella Canway Blackwell, of the same county; and though no children blessed this union, their home was noted for the extensive hospitality dispensed there. Quoting from a tribute to her memory: "No bridegromm was ever truer to his bride. Their married life was like two gentle rivulets starting at different points, then meeting in a peaceful valley and flowing onward to the ocean." The memory of the social life enjoyed at Waverly will live for ages, and the generations to come will learn of the true Southern hospitality which abounded there. Mr. Hudnall was a faithful Confederate soldier, entering the service in April, 1861, and, serving until that eventful day of April 9, 1865, at Appomattox, he received his discharge, a private in the ranks of whom too much has never been and can never be said. On June 5, 1911, the Lee-Jackson Chapter, U. D. C., presented him with a Confederate Cross of Honor, and other courtesies were shown him by this Chapter of which he seemed most grateful, and his letter of thanks and appreciation is kept among the prized records of the Chapter historian. Although an attendant upon the Church services and a contributor thereto, it was not until late in life that he united with any denomination; but in May, 1913, he was confirmed by Bishop Gibson, thereby entering into full communion of St. Mary's Protestant Epicopal Church at Fleeton, Va. His death was caused by a most unfortuante fall, fracturing the hip, causing intense suffering, from which he longed to be released to enter into that life of endless peace and happiness. All that loving, thoughtful kindred and friends could do to relieve his suffering and prolong his life was done; but God saw best to call the genial hist, faithful friend, and aged soldier home.
We hear it each and all, A song of those who answered not; Forever we may call. They throng the silence of the breast; We see them as of yore- The kind, the brave, the true, the sweet, Who walk with us no more."
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, July, 1916.
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