Dr. Jacob Huggins was born in Perry County, Ala., July 13, 1836, and died at his home, in Newbern, Hale County, Ala., on January 31, 1915. The county never had a better citizen than Dr. Jacob Huggins. He was a highly educated gentleman of the old school. Prior to the War between the States he attended Jefferson Medical College, in Philadelphia, from which he graduated with distinction, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession at Newbern, Ala. At theoutbreak of the war Dr. Huggins volunteered as a private soldier, joining Company C, 36th Alabama Regiment, and acted as company surgeon until he was appointed, in the latter part of 1862, to the position of assistant surgeon, with the rank of captain, in the Tennessee Army of the Confederacy. He served in that capacity until the close of the war. He then returned to his old home at Newbern, where he practiced his profession until his death, endearing himself to all with whom he came in contact during his long and useful career. Dr. Huggins was a charter memer of the Alabama Medical Society and was the last surviving charter member of this organization at the time of his death. He was held in very high esteem by the physicians throughout the State and was accorded the most distinguished consideration by them on all occasions. He was a modest man, but his merit as a man, a physician, and as a citizen was recognized by all. Dr. Huggins was twice married, first to Miss Jordan Christian, of Greensboro, Ala., and after her death to Miss Lilly B. Smith, of Demopolis, Ala., who, with one daughter, survives him. He was a member of Camp Allen C. Jones, U. C. V., of Hale COunty, and was always interested in the welfare of the organization. In the death of Dr. Huggins not only has this town and county lost an honored and valued citizen, but Alabama is poorer by his having passed away, and the State is better for his having lived.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, April, 1915.
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