On the 19th of December, 1914, Lieut. Benjamin H. Hutchison, on the seventy-ninth year of his age, passed away at his home, in Loudon County, near Aldie, Va. He was the son of Beverly and Mary P. Hutchison, who owned the "Peach Orchard" farm, where once lived Thomas Neal, father of Julia Neal, who was the mother of Stonewall Jackson. The old Neal house was moved to its present site, and in it Benjamin Hutchison was born and died. In 1859, when excitement was very high over the John Brown raid, Benjamin Hutchison and his twin brothers, Ludwell and John, with others, started to Charlestown, where John Brown was in prison. It was reported that five thousand men from the North were on the way to rescue Brown; but upon reaching Leesburg, Hutchison and his comrades learned that the rumor was unfounded and returned to their homes. At the breaking out of the War between the State a company called the Champ Rifles was organized at Aldie, Va., and B. H. Hutchison and his twin brothers, Ludwell and John were among the first to enlist. About May 18, 1861, Governor Letcher ordered the Champ Rifles to Leesburg, where it became Company D, of the 8th Virginia Regiment, Col. Eppa Hunton commanding. This regiment, afterwards known as the "Bloody Eighth," took part in the battle of First Manassas and was also in the battle of Ball's Bluff. It was reorganized at Yorktown, and B. H. Hutchison was made color sergeant. He was with the command in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond. At Frazier's Farm he was badly wounded. When the flag fell from his hand, one of the color guards picked it up, and he was killed; a second guard picked it up, and he was wounded; the Lieut. Will Davis, of Company D, took it up, and he was killed. The flag was then carried by Capt. Charles Pickett, who was on the staff of his brother, Gen. George E. Pickett, but at the time was acting as aid-de-camp to Col. Hunton, then commanding the brigade, General Picket having been wounded the day before at Gaine's Mill. Captain Pickett also recived a bad wound, from which he never fully recovered. As soon as able Sergeant Hutchison rejoined his regiment and took part in the battle of Second Manassas. He also carried the flag in the engagements at Boonesboro Gap and Sharpsburg. In the fall of 1862 Sergeant Hutchison was elected lieutenant of his company. He was in Pickett's famous charge at Gettysburg, where he was wounded, captured, and sent to Fort Warren and from there to Johnson's Island, where he was kept during the winter of 1863-1864. He was then sent to Point Lookuut and later was one of the six hundred officers at Morris Island put under fire of the Confederate guns at Charleston. He was released from Morris Island in December, 1864. HIs health was greatly impaired by his long confinement and was never fully recovered. He was in every engagement of his command until his capture.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, February, 1916.
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