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Johnson McMillan Ryan

Obituary of W. H. Johnson, Meridian, Mississippi.

W. H. Johnson was born July 1, 1841, and died September 17, 1915, in the Turner Hospital, in Meridian, Miss., where he had gone a few days before for a surgical operation. He enlisted in the Confederate army July 1, 1861, as a member of Company I, 8th Mississippi Regiment. He was twice wounded, was captured in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., and was in prison at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., at the surrender of General Lee. He got back home July 1, 1865. He was a true and loyal member of Jasper County Camp, U. C. V., and attended all the meetings and long as he was able.

Comrade Johnson was married to Miss Mary McMillan in 1867 and settled on a farm. He was successful and accumulated some property. He had the respect and confidence of all who knew him, both white and black; was generous to a fault and never failed to aid the helpless and indigent. He was truly a Christian gentleman and a loyal member of the Baptist Church. He was happy in all his domestic relations, was a tender and devoted husband and a kind, indulgent father to three devoted daughters. He was for many years an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, and at his own request the last rites of his internment were pronounced in the beautiful burial ceremony of that order. He was laid to rest in Fellowship Cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of people by that order.

Peace be to thy ashes, brave, true, and loyal friend and comrade of fifty years!

[ M. A. Ryan, Rose Hill, Miss.]

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, January, 1916.

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