Rev. Augustus Lark was born in Greenville County, S. C., September 1, 1844, and died at his home, near Alma, Crawford County, Ark., on December 18, 1915. At the beginning of the War between the States he enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Company F, 2d South Carolina Cavalry (M. C. Butler), and served four years under Generals Butler, Hampton, and R. E. Lee. He was one of the four comrades who carried General Butler from the battle field when he was wounded. He was not at the surrender having been sent in charge of a detail when our army reached South Carolina for the purpose of purchasing cattle for the army. Being cut off from his command by Sherman's raiders after he had started with the cattle, he and his detail united with a band which was engaged in hunting bandits and deserters then infesting the country along the North and South Carolina line, principally in Marion County. Returning to his home, in Greenville County, after the surrender, he went to school for a while, then went to Marion County and married Miss Mary Ann Proctor on October 23, 1867. He was ready to move to Arkansas in 1875 when Gen. Wade Hampton became a candidate for Governor of South Carolina. The State had been under carpetbag and scalawag rule after the surrender, and he was so interested in Hampton's election that he rallied to the support of his old general, rendering valuable service in those Reconstruction days. Mr. Lark was not only a brave soldier for the Southern cause, but was a good soldier of Christ, and after going to Arkansas he was licensed to preach. He made his home near Alma, Ark., and reared an interesting family of fourteen children, nine of whom, with their mother, survive him. No man sttod higher than Mr. Lark in the community where he lived. He ministered to the sick both physically and spiritually. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and three of his sons are ministers in the same Church. He was a member of Van Buren Camp, U. C. V., and also Secretary and Chaplain of Fine Springs Lodge, No. 439, F. and A. M. His was a useful life and a blessing to others. [Tribute by T. C. Sherwood.]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, June, 1916.
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