Spencer Lloyd.-Born near Great Falls of Potomac, on Virginia side. Raised there. Lives one mile north of Dranesville. Was not told for what he was arrested till he came to Richmond. Was then told he was arrested because he had been in the camp of the enemy. He says he never was in their camp. He says on one occasion they passed up through Dranesyille Saturday evening and returned that night. Sunday morning he went out to look for his cattle. He passed through some cedars and saw where they had cut off the twigs and laid them out for beds, but they were all gone. Another time he was gathering corn one cold frosty morning near the river on some ground he had rented. A negro man in another part of the field had brought some fire in a pot and had it burning. Some Northern soldiers came into the field and asked him if he was not late getting his corn. He said he was, that he had been delayed by the frequent firing over the field. They asked him if he had heard any bullets that morning. He told them he had not. They then said they were firing at the fire, supposing it to be our pickets. They said they supposed their bullets fell short, and went away. This was the only time he had ever seen them nearer than across the river. Colonel Thomas testifies Lloyd is a man honest, industrious; stays at home and attends to his own business. Mr. Huntt testifies that Lloyd is a man of integrity and veracity. Says since the war commenced he has rarely been in that part of the country and knows nothing of Lloyds course. Mr. Harrison says Lloyd had a suit in Fairfax in which he (Mr. Harrison) was his counsel. He saw Lloyd quite frequently and thinks him an honest, straightforward but ignorant man. Lloyd says he had no communication direct or indirect with the enemy except as above mentioned. I have seen no charges against Lloyd, and my only means of forming an opinion are from his examination and the testimony of his character. I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pgs. 1480-1481
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