H. Magraw.-The Government is in possession of the facts of his case also for the most part. The additional testimony before me consisted, first, of the statements and declarations of the prisoner that he is now and always has been a Democrat of the Southern school; always opposed to Lincoln and his party and their principles; a justifier of the right of secession and of the exercise of it by the Southern States, and the opponent at all times of coercion. The Hon. Howell Cobb, ______ Clayton and Robert Tyler, esqrs., were summoned before me and examined at the instance of the prisoner, and they all testified strongly and without qualification in favor of the high personal character of the prisoner and in confirmation of his statements. Mr. Tylers testimony came down to a very late period before he was driven from Pennsylvania. The prisoner now declares that it was his purpose to return to his native State of Maryland to reside and that he will not live under the Northern Government, and adds that if his imprisonment can in any manner benefit the Southern cause is willing to continue in confinement. He was a contractor for transportation under Mr. Buchanan, and his contract was renewed by General Joseph E. Johnston while he was acting as Quartermaster-General of the United States after the election of Lincoln. I recommend the discharge of Mr. Magraw.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1428
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