From the memorial resolutions prepared by the committee of Stonewall Camp, No. 1438, U. C. V., of Gainesville, Fla., on the death of Capt. John C. McGrew, which occurred on the 29th of December, 1915, the following sketch is taken: "John C. McGrew was born on the 30th of March, 1844, at Lauderdale, Miss., where he grew to young manhood. He enlisted in the service of the Confederate States and was mustered into Capt. H. H. Singstock's company of artillery at Mobile, Ala., on January 13, 1862. He was afterwards captured, but was paroled with thirty-two of his comrades. They then reported to Gen. Stephen D. Lee, were furloughed, and later ordered to report at Demopolis, Ala., where they were exchanged and sent to the Western Army. Their command was consolidated with Barrett's 10th Missouri Battery, under the command of Captain Barrett. Comrade McGrew was paroled at Macon, Ga., on May 19, 1865. After the war he located at Fort Fannin, Fla., and engaged in the mercantile business. He was married to Miss Marian Antoinette Parker, of Bronson, Fla., in December, 1874. His wife and two daughters survive him. "Comrade McGrew served his State in many useful ways, having held the position of tax collector of Levy County and the postmastership at Cedar Keys. In 1897 he removed to Gainesville, where he had since resided. He was supervisor of registration for Alachua County until appointed to the office of county tax assessor, to which he was elected for the next term and held until his death. "He was a true comrade and friend, a loving husband and father, an able and fearless man. His services as Adjutant of Stonewall Camp were appreciated by every member." [Committee: E. C. F. Sanchez, L. W. Jackson, and James Doig.]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, February, 1916.
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