List of Political Prisoners at Fort McHenry, Md., November 19, 1862
HEADQUARTERS, Baltimore, November 26, 1861.
Hon. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
SIR: I have the honor to inclose a list of prisoners at Fort McHenry on the 19th instant. No additions have been made until to-day. A man by the name of Coe has been sent there, but I am not prepared at this moment to report his case. It would be a great convenience if all these prisoners including Thomas (Zarvona) could be sent away.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Date of Arrest
Richard Thomas Zarvona
July 8, 1861
Piracy and treason.
William W. Glenn
Baltimore, Md
Sept. 15, 1861
Editor of Exchange newspaper, Baltimore
George Julius
Hagerstown, Md
Oct. 16, 1861
Forwarding recruits to the Confederate Army.
Robert W. Rasin
Baltimore, Md |
Oct. 26, 1861 |
Forwarding recruits to the Confederate Army. |
R. C. Holland |
Dorchester County, Md |
Nov. 4, 1861 |
Visiting Virginia (per letter from H.C. Hickson on file at Fort McHenry). |
Thomas Mortimer |
Baltimore, Md |
Nov. 8, 1861 |
Disloyalty (per letter from Major-General Dix, Baltimore, Nov. 8, 1861) |
James Martin |
Baltimore, Md |
Nov. 8, 1861 |
Disloyalty (per letter from Major-General Dix, Baltimore, Nov. 8, 1861) |
William F. Engle |
Nov. 13, 1861 |
Lieutenant in the rebel army. |
Jonah Potterfield |
Nov. 13, 1861 |
Raising a rebel flag on his house and applying to the rebels for arms to defend it. &c |
Edward C. Cottrell |
Princess Anne, Somerset County, Md. |
Nov. 16, 1861 |
Correspondence with rebels |
Glenn, Julius, Holland, Moritimer, Martin and Cottrell refuse to take the oath of allegiance.
Source: Official Records, Series 2, Volume 2.
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