Maj. F. J. PORTER,
MAJOR: I have the honor to report that last evening signal rockets were reported in direction of Aberdeen. I immediately proceeded to Havre de Grace (Lieutenant-Colonel Birney being absent) and finding they were not according to code agreed upon considered no re-enforcement necessary. I proceeded to Aberdeen to ascertain why the rockets had been fired and at that post they were reported as having been seen in the direction of Perrymansyille. Taking a guard to that point I found all quiet. Information having been given in relation to Capt. Benedict H. Kean, in command of Spesutia Rangers, William B. Michael and Thomas Wilson, Captain Hofmann, of Company E, First Regiment, Philadelphia City Guards, arrested them, the first as in command of forces hostile to United States and the two latter-named gentlemen as being engaged in destruction of bridges. The arrests were made quietly and every consideration shown to the gentlemen detained. They were taken to Perryville and lodged at my quarters. From representations made by Captain Kean and by other parties the Spesutia Rangers have not been engaged or intending to engage against the Government. His action in opposing the destruction of the bridges as represented by credible parties induced his release on parole of honor to appear if wanted. The others I believe to have been engaged in destruction of bridges and that the evidence will be ample to sustain the fact. I am now detaining them until I receive instructions from headquarters. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
HDQRS. Co. E, FIRST REGT., PHILADELPHIA CITY GUARDS, Bush River, Md., May 23, 1861. Personally appeared before me in the service of the United States Alonzo Bowman, a resident of this place, who being duly sworn by me said that Benjamin Elliott, of Hall Cross Roads; Oliver Kenly, of Hall Cross Roads; Sidney Hall, near Perrymansville; Rush Dalam, of Perrymansville; Lewis Michael, of Bush River Neck; James Halloway, near Perrymansville; Augustus Hoffman, Perrymansville; Robert Smith, Sputer (Spesutia?); John Quin, Perrymansville; William Wilson, Perrymansville; William Michael and Eldridge Gallop, Perrymansville, were to his positive knowledge actively engaged in the destruction of the railroad bridge at this place on 26th day of April, A. D. 1861. In evidence of the above he has signed his name hereto. ALONZO BOWMAN.
Henry Shapley.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 1, Pages 573-574.
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