Medical Reports on Louisiana Confederate Soldiers
Name, Military Description, and Age. |
Dates. |
Operations, Operators, Results. |
Table |
Allen, ___, Lieut. 13th Louisiana., April 6, 18, '62. |
___. A. Surg. B. Howard, U. S. A. Died April 26, 1862. |
Barclay, R. G., Lieut. G, 5th Louisiana. |
May 3, __, '63. |
Right. Furloughed October 26, 1863. |
Barclay, T., Pt., K, 14th Louisiana. |
Nov. 27, 28, '63. |
___. Surg. ___ White. Recovery. |
Barker, C. R., Pt., D, 7th Louisiana, age 23. |
July 21, Aug. 9, 1861. |
Right. Surg. ___ Ford, C. S. A. Necro.; dead bone, seven and a half ins. in length extracted. Retired Jan. 5, 1865. |
Beach, J. T., Adj't, 5th Louisiana. |
May 4, 5, '63. |
___; pneumonia; pyemia. Died May 28, 1863. |
Bentley, G., Pt., B, 8th Louisiana. |
June 27, 28, '62. |
___. Recovered. |
Bodge, G. E., Pt., A, 5th Louisiana, age 25. |
Sept. 19, Oct. 10, 1864. |
Right; ant. post. flap. A. Surg. ___ Dorsey, 1st Md. Cav. C. S. A. Exchanged Feb. 16, 1865. |
Boykin, P., Pt., C, 19th Louisiana, age 18. |
Aug. 31, __, '64. |
Right. Retired Dec. 22, 1864. |
Carroll, J., Pt., D, 10th Louisiana. |
May 3, 4, '63. |
Right. Surg. White, 14th La. Recovery. |
Cocheran, F., Pt., G, 9th Louisiana, age 19. |
July 9, 14, '64. |
Right; circ. Fort Monroe, Sept. 20, 1864. |
Collins, J. W., Pt., F, 12th La., age 23. |
July 20, 20, '64. |
Right; circ.; gang.; sloughing. Recovery Sept. 22, 1864. |
Cortes, L. G., Pt., G, 7th Louisiana, age 21. |
July 3, 3, '63. |
Left. Surg. Davis, C. S. A. Dec. 15, nec. bone ext. Exch'd Mar. 4, 1864. |
Cuff, W., Pt., D, 11th Louisiana C. T. |
June 7, __, '63. |
Right. Died JUne 10, 1863. |
Cunningham, E. H., Sgt., E, 9th Louisiana. |
Aug. 9, 14, '62. |
Right. Surg. ___ Davis, C. S. A. Recovery. |
Daniels, B. F., Corp'l, B, 4th Louisiana. |
July 28, 28, '64. |
Left. Died August 3, 1864. |
Dell, P., Pt., C, 20th Louisiana. |
Jan. 2, __, '63. |
Left; flap. Discharged July 17, 1865. |
Donohoe, F., Pt., B, 15th Louisiana. |
______ |
___. Died September 20, 1862. |
Dooley, W., Pt. Washington [LA] Art'y, age 29. |
Dec. 7, 8, '64. |
Left; ant. post. flap. A. A. Surg. J. R. Owens. Provost Marshal March 1, 1865. |
Dunlap, J., Pt., A, 14th Louisiana, age 29. |
May 5, 30, '62. |
Left; circ. A. Surg. J. S. Billings, U. S. A. Prison May 1, 1863. |
Dwyer, L., Pt., F, 14th Louisiana. |
June 30, J'y 8, '62. |
Right; circ. Surg. Formento, jr., C. S. A. Recovery. |
Eck, H., Serg't, F, 14th Louisiana. |
Dec. 13, 13, '62. |
Left. Surg. White. Furloughed Jan. 26, 1864. |
Edens, W. M., Pt., B, 9th Louisiana. |
___, '65. |
Left. Discharged September 26, 1865. |
Fisher, E. D., Pt., A, __ Louisiana, age 19. |
De. 30, '62. Jan. 1, '63. |
Left. To Camp Morton March 22, 1863. |
Fleming, J., Pt., K, 7th Louisiana. |
______ |
Left. Died October 12, 1863; pyemia. |
Ford, W., Pt., B, 7th Louisiana, age 23. |
July 1, 1, '63. |
Left; slough'g; (also w'nd right thigh.) Died Aug. 29, '63; hem. |
Frank, A., Pt., I, 5th Louisiana. |
______ |
___. Died May 31, 1862. |
Freret, J., Pt., __, Washington [LA] Artillery. |
July __, __, '63. |
Left thigh. |
Gallagher, T., Serg't, F, 7th Louisiana, age 30. |
June 14, 15, '63. |
Left. Surgeon Davis. Retired February 13, 1865. |
George, M., Captain, A, Louisiana Zouaves, age 25. |
Dec. 8, '64, J'y 7, '65. |
Left; circ. Surg. C. H. Lord, 102d N. Y. July 21, ligature torn off; hem. fatal. |
Glover, W., Pt., 16th or 25th Louisiana |
De. 31, '62, Jan. 1, '63 |
Right. Died January 7, 1863. |
Goynes, D., Pt., B, 14th Louisiana. |
_____ |
__. Died January 5, 1863. |
Guillery, A., Pt., A, Mile's [LA] Legion. |
___ |
Left. Died May 23, 1863. |
Gwinn, F., Pt., F, 30th Louisiana. |
July 28, 28, '64. |
Left. Died September 6, 1864. |
Hartman, C., Pt., I, 1st Louisiana. |
July 13, 13, '63. |
Right. A. Surg. J. T., Myers, 91st New York. Died July 13, '63. |
Heflin, W. J., Pt., C, 9th Louisiana. |
Jun. 14, 15, '63. |
Right. Surg.Love, C. S. A. Retired Oct. 22, 1864 |
Hengen, H., Pt., A, 2d Louisiana. |
Nov. 3, 3, '63. |
Right. Died Nov. 14, 1863. |
Hickey, C. M., Pt., H, 7th Louisiana. |
July 1, 1, '63. |
Left. Surg. __ Davis, C. S. A. Recovery. |
Howlett, H. M., Pt. A, 7th Louisiana. |
May 6, 7, '62. |
Left. Surgs. Hancock and Triplett. Disch'd. July 14, 1862. |
Hubbard, W. M., Pt., A, 1st Louisiana, age 26. |
July 2, 2, '63. |
Left. Surgeon White, C. S. A. Exchanged March 3, 1864. |
Hyde, W. J., Pt., 19th Louisiana, age 24. |
Dec. 17, 18, '64. |
Left; flap; gangrene. Died Nov. 20, 1865. typh. fever. |
Irving, D., Pt., H, 8th Louisiana, age 26. |
Nov. 27, 27, '63. |
Right; circular. Exchanged and retired Februrary, 1865. |
Jenkins, S., Serg't, B, 6th Louisiana. |
___, '65. |
Right. Died April 11, 1865. |
Johnson, C., Pt., H, 13th Louisiana. |
Oc. 20, '63, J'y 14, '64. |
___. Surg. __ Friend, C. S. A. Recovery. |
Joyne, D., __, __, 1st Louisiana. |
__, __, __, '63. |
___. Re-amp. Died of varioli. |
King, J. M., Capt., C, 13th Louisiana, age 25. |
Jan. 1, Sept. 15, 1863. |
Right. (Nec. bone rem'd.) Surg. A. H. Thurston, U. S. V. Furl'd Nov. 7, 1864. |
Kirkman, B., Serg't. K, 10th Louisiana. |
May 4, 4, '63. |
Right. Surg. ___ White, C. S. A. Furl'd July 3, 1863. |
Lawrence, P., Pt., B, 19th Louisiana, age 25. |
______ |
Right. Retired October 19, 1864. |
Link, G., Pt., F, 9th La., age 27. |
July 9, 10, '64. |
Left; circ. Died July 10, 1864. |
Little, W. M., Corp'l, I, 8th Louisiana. |
Feb. 10, 11, '64. |
__. Surg. ___ Momenier, C. S. A. Recovery. |
Loflon, J., Pt., G, 8th Louisiana. |
______ |
___. Sloughing; hemorrhage. Died July 17, '63; hemorrhage. |
Maddox, J., Corp'l, K, 5th Louisiana. |
July 2, 2, '63. |
Left. Surg. ___ Strickland, C. S. A. Paroled Sept 5, 1863. |
McBride, M. C., Lieut. G, 9th Louisiana. |
July 9, 9, '64. |
___; circ. Surg. C. H. Todd, C. S. A. Died July 22, 1864. |
Meinhart, P., Pt., D, 6th Louisiana. |
May 4, 5, '63. |
Right. Surg. W. A. Robertson, 6th La., Recovery. |
Murphy, H. A., Pt., E, 14th Louisiana. |
July 2, 2, '63. |
Right. Surg. Taney, C. S. A. Gangrene. Exch'd Mar. 3, '64. |
Nunnery, J. M., Pt., A, 41st Louisiana. |
_____ |
Right. Paroled June 21, 1865. |
Oakes, E., Pt., E, 14th Louisiana. |
May 5, J'y 9, '62. |
Right thigh. Recovery. |
O'Keefe, P., Serg't., C, 30th Louisiana. |
July 28, 28, '64. |
Right. |
Perkins, C., Pt., B, 1st Louisiana. |
______ |
___. Discharged October 20, '62. |
Powell, F., Pt., A, 10th Louisiana. |
Aug. 29, 30, '62. |
Left; Surg. Tanney, C. S. A. Retired Oct. 22, 1864. |
Prang, A., Pt.., H, 2d Louisiana. |
May 27, __, '63. |
Left. Duty August 17, 1863. |
Quinn, M., Pt., A, 14th Louisiana. |
Aug. 28, 28, '62. |
Left. Surg. __ White, C. S. A. Gang.; abseess, fistulae. Recov. |
Saxon, J. N., Pt., D, 9th Louisiana, age 27. |
Nov. 7, 18, '63. |
Right; flap. Surg. J. A. Lidell, U. S. V. Osteo-myelitis. Died Dec. 3, 1863; hem. Autopsy. |
Seloy, A., Corp'l, K, 15th Louisiana. |
______ |
___. Died June 20, 1863. |
Shac, J., Pt., I, 15th Louisiana. |
July __, __, '63. |
___. Died August 12, 1863. |
Sibley, R. W. Pt., A, 6th Louisiana. |
Jun. 13, 17, '62. |
Left; Surg. J. N. K. Monmonier, 8th La. Recovery. |
Stine, J., Pt., B, 14th Louisiana. |
July __, __, '63. |
___. Died July 30, 1863. |
Stout, T. N., Pt., C, 6th Louisiana. |
July 2, __, '63. |
___. Furloughed September 9, 1863. |
Tracy, M. O., Capt., A, 13th Louisiana. |
De. 31, '62, Ja. 11, '63. |
Right. Surg. R. P. Bateman, P. A. C. S. Recovery. |
Walker, G. W., Pt., G, 8th La., age 36. |
May 9, 10, '64. |
Right; circ. To prison Oct. 5, 1864. |
Ward, J., Pt., D, 8th Louisiana. |
July 6, __, '64. |
__. Surgeon __ Momer, C. S. A. Recovery. |
Waux, J., Pt., E, 1st Louisiana, age 21. |
July 2, 5, '63. |
Right. Surg. P. F. Whithead, P. A. C. S. Retired Jan. 30, 1865. |
Weber, A., Corp'l, I, 7th Louisiana. |
June 14, 15, '63. |
Left. Surg. Davis. Recovered. |
Wells, G., Serg't, K, 7th Louisiana, age 21. |
Sept. 19, 19, '64. |
Left; circ. Surg. ___ Davis, C. S. A. Provost Marshal Feb. 11, 1865. |
Wilson, G., Serg't, D, 7th Louisiana, age 26. |
Sept. 17, 28, '62. |
Left. Retired September 22, '64. |
SOURCE: Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Volume 2, Part 3.
1. Intermediary Amputation in the Thigh for Shot Fracture.
2. Fatal Cases after Primary Excision of the Shaft of the Femur for Shot Injury.
3. Case of Recovery after Intermediary Excision of the Shaft of the Femur for Shot Injury.
4. Excision in the Shaft of the Femur after Shot Injury.
5. Primary Amputations in the Upper Third of the Femur for Shot Fractures.
6. Footnote about shot injuries in both thighs.
7. Secondary Cases of Excision in the Shaft of the Femur for Shot Injury.
8. Fatal Cases of Intermediary Excision of the Shaft of the Femur for Shot Injury.
9. Cases of Primary Amputations in the Middle Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
10. Cases of Primary Amputations in the Lower Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
11. Cases of Primary Amputations in the Thigh for Shot Fractures, the Point of Ablation Unspecified.
12. Cases of Intermediary Amputations in the Upper Third of the Femur for Shot Injury.
13. Cases of Intermediary Amputations in the Middle Third of the Femur for Shot Injury.
14. Cases of Intermediary Amputations in the Lower Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
15. Cases of Secondary Amputation in the Upper Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
16. Cases of Secondary Amputation in the Middle Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
17. Cases of Secondary Amputation in the Lower Third of the Femur for Shot Fracture.
18. Cases of Secondary Amputation in the Thigh for Shot Fracture of the Femur, Point of Ablation Unspecified.
19. Cases of Amputation in the Upper Third of the Femur, Time of Ablation Unspecified.
20. Cases of Amputation in the Middle Third of the Femur, of Uncertain Date.
21. Cases of Amputations in the Lower Third of the Thigh, of Uncertain Date.
22. Cases of Amputations of the Thigh, of Uncertain Date and Seat.
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