Jasper Melum.-Not sixteen years old. Had on a Northern fatigue uniform. Says Captain Dunbar gave him this uniform and a gun. Says he had not volunteered or joined Dunbar's company. Says Dunbar was recruiting for the Northern army and his company had been stationed at Charleston. Says he was arrested at Jacob Harper's, on marshes of Coal River. Says part of the company had been on Coal River and he had been with them. He was taken up by two citizens. Captain Linkons testifies this biy was suspected to be one of a company Capt. William Dunbar was raising for the U.S. Army on Coal River. This boy seems to be truthful and honest and well disposed, but I do not see how he can be discharged. I recommend he be held as a prisoner of war.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1476
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