Death came suddenly to Seth P. Mills, former State Senator, Confederate veteran, planter, and pioneer citizen of Waco, Tex., on February 11, 1916. He was born August 19, 1841, in Dade County, Mo., and received his education in Newtonia College, near Springfield. He enlisted in the Confederate army September 12, 1862, at Newtonia as orderly sergeant of Company F, Smith's Regiment of Missouri Cavalry, which was attached to Shelby's Brigade, Marmaduke's Division, and took part in the battles of Cane Hill, Springfield, Hartsville, and Cape Giraideau, Mo., Helena, Ark., and was in all the engagements of Price's raid in Missouri in 1864. For gallantry in battle and exemplary conduct as a soldier he was promoted to lieutenant, in which position he excited the emulation of the men of his command and the commendation of the commanding general. His command was disbanded at Corsicana, Tex., in 1865; and young Mills was left in a strange land penniless. His energy and determination helped him to make a success of his farming life, and he also became a prominent figure in public life, filling positions in State, county, and city affairs. He was a representative in four sessions of the Texas Legislature and in the Senate in 1902. He took special interest in all matters concerning agriculture, believing the material prosperity depeneded upon this. In local political affairs he was a member of the city council of Waco and chairman of the present charter committee. He was serving in his sixth term as Commander of Pat Cleburne Camp, No. 222, U. C. V., and had commanded the Third Brigade, Texas Division, U. C. V., in 1911 and 1912. He was also President of the McLennan County Confederate Association for several years. In October, 1871, Mr. Mills was married to Miss Fannie Standifer, who died in 1909. His second wife was Mrs. Jennie Southgate, who survives him, with the three sons and four daughters of his first marriage. Three noble characteristics were dominant in Mr. Mills-industry, integrity, and kindness. He occupied a warm place in the hearts of the people of McLennan County, who knew his worth.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, July, 1916.
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