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Copley Davant Davidson Hawes Herbert McCutchin Owen Powell Stratton Thompson Thornton

Report of Deaths at Montgomery, Alabama.

The committee appointed by Camp Lomax to make a suitable mention of the many comrades who have departed this life during the past year made the following report:

"Comrade P. A. Copley was born in Durham, N. C., August 19, 1843. He enlisted as a member of Company C, 6th North Carolina Infantry. He was a good soldier, always ready for duty. He was in several battles and was wounded. About the year 1870 he moved to Montgomery. Ala., and made a good and faithful citizen, beloved by all who knew him. He died February 20, 1919.

"Comrade C. E. Owens was born in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on the 17th of June, 1838. He went to war as a member of the Warrior Guards and did faithful service. He was a gallant soldier and a Christian gentleman. After the war he removed to Montgomery, Ala., where he became well known and made many friends. He died May 3, 1919.

"Comrade G. W. McCutchin was a member of the 31st Alabama Infantry, Company I. He was born at Pine Level, Ala., but in his early life the family moved to Montgomery. If he had lived until the 20th of February, he would have rounded out his seventy-eighth year. For many years he was connected with the L&N Railroad, and for his faithful service he was recently retired on a pension. A devoted wife and loving daughter and son survive him, He died December 13, 1919.

"Comrade Joseph W. Powell, a member of Company D, 38th Virginia Infantry, was born in Pittsylvania County, Va., on July 7, 1843. He enlisted in the army at the early age of seventeen and served gallantly through the war; was in several battles, and at Gettysburg he was severely wounded. After the war he moved to Montgomery, where he married. He leaves a devoted family and many friends to mourn their loss. He died July 29, 1919.

Comrade Dozier Thornton was born at Salem, Ala, on the 4th of March, 1839. He enlisted as a private in Company D, 15th Alabama Infantry, and served through Stonewall Jackson's campaign. He was in the battles of Cold Harbor, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Wilderness, Fussell's Mills, and many minor engagements. He was badly wounded at Cold Harbor on June 27, 1862, and was invalided until the following September. In 1862 he was promoted to third lieutenant, and in 1863 he was advanced to second lieutenant and in 1864 was made first lieutenant. He was severely wounded on the Barbytown Road near Fussell's Mills on the 16th of August, 1864, from which he suffered all his life. He lived for many years in Eufaula, Ala., from which place he moved to Montgomery, where he died on May 7, 1919, leaving a devoted wifr and children to mourn their loss.

"Comrade F. F. Davant was born at Gillisonville, S. C., on the 18th of February, 1846. When only sixteen years of age he joined Company B, 2d South Carolina Cavalry, and fought gallantly throughout the war. A few years after the surrender he moved to Montgomery, where he resided for about forty years. Later he moved to Memphis, Tenn., and died there on May 26, 1919. A loving wife, three sons, and two daughters survive him.

"Comrade Hilary Abner Herbert was born in Lawrence District, S. C., on the 12th of March, 1834. He moved to Alabama in 1846, first making his home at Greenville, Butler County, and as he grew to manhood he entered into the practice of law. When the tocsin of war first sounded he espoused the cause of the Confederacy and organized the Greenville Light Guards, of which he was elected captain. For valiant services he was promoted until he became colonel of the 8th Alabama Regiment. In the battle of the Wilderness he was severely wounded in the left arm. After the war he moved to Montgomery and resumed the practice of law, growing so in the affection of the people that they elected him to represent them in Congress from the Second District and continuously reelected him until he was appointed by President Cleveland as a member of his Cabinet. After leaving the Cabinet he again resumed the practice of law and was very successful. A few years before his death he retired to private life, spending part of his latter days in traveling. He died at Tampa, Fla., on the 6th of March, 1919. He was a man among men, a friend to every one, and loved by all.

"Comrade A. J. Hawes was born in Lincoln County, Ga., on the 16th of August, 1835. When the War between the States broke out, he joined Company F, 59th Alabama Regiment, and fought with it until he was honorably discharged at Greenville, Ala. He was in many battle and was so severely wounded as to lose the use of one arm. He married a sister of the late Bishop Harris, who died several years ago, leaving a son, who has since died. Comrade Hawes resided on Montgomery for many years, but a few years ago he moved to Tampa, Fla., where he was taken with his last illness. He was sent to Montgomery, where he breathed his last, leaving a grandson to perpetuate the name. He died September 2, 1919.

[Committee: H. C. Davidson, Asa Stratton, J. A. Thompson.]

SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, March, 1920.

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