In the ranks of the U. D. C. there was nont more ardently faithful than Mrs. Elizabeth Caruthers Newson, sho passed away at her home, in Huntsville, Ala., on September 11, 1916. Mrs. Newson was a Tennesseean by birth, a descendant of brave pioneers who settled in this section soon after the Revolutionary War. Her uncle, Robert L. Caruthers, was War Governor of Tennessee, and her father, Robert Caruthers, was a noble patriot. She grew to womanhood in Nashville and was noted not only for her beauty, but also for her charming intellectual endowment. Mrs. Newson was an enthusiastic Daughter of the Confederacy, and it was largely through her untiring efforts as President of the Virginia Clay Clopton Chapter at Hunstville that a monument was erected to the Confederate soldiers of Madison County, Ala. At the time of her death she was First Vice President of the Alabama Division, and she had also served as State Chairman of the Gettysburg Monument Fund, devoting faithful efforts for three years to that sacred trust. The passing of this noble woman was fittingly noted in resolutions of respect and sympathy by her Chapter, U. D. C., and Twickenham Town Chapter, D. A. R., of Huntsville. Mrs. Newson was born in the strenuous times just after the war, the critical period of Reconstruction, and she inherited the fearless heart, the undaunted spirit of her parents. Of her it may be truthfully said: "Patriotism burned like a holy fire on the altar of her heart." From earliest childhood she was imbued with the spirit of the cause for which her people had fought. Her love and loyalty to the beloved Southland was the inspiration of her life.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, December, 1916.
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