Two of the most prominent members of the Confederate Veteran Camp of New York City have been lost to that membership. Clarence R. Hatton, Adjutant, sends memorial tributes from the Camp in honor of these valued members: "Within a week the angel of death has taken from oour roll the names of Dr. James Henry Parker, Past Commander, and of Charles Calentine Wagner, Commander of our Camp. "Dr. Parker, whose death occurred on January 27, 1915, was one of the best-known and most highly esteemed men of the South, who sought this city to finish the activities of life after a dedication of it for four years to the service of his country. He was born in North Carolina and entered the service of the Confederacy, in the 62d Georgia Cavalry, at the age of nineteen. Later he was transferred to a North Carolina brigade and rendered gallant and conspicuous service to the cause he had espoused and held so dear. His funeral services were held at the Church of the Messiah, New York City, on the afternoon of January 28 and were attended by a large number of his friends and many of his surviving comrades. His remains were afterwards taken to South Carolina for burial. In here bereavement the tenderest and most loving sympathies of the Camp go out in unstinted measure to Mrs. Parker, so long and ably the President of the New York Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. "Scarcely had the sound of the tolling bells for Dr. Parker's funeral been hushed and stilled when the dauntless spirit of Commander Wagner took its flight, again plunging the Camp into deepest mourning. "Commander Wagner was born in Baltimore, Md., and he enlisted at Harper's Ferry in 1861, being assigned to the 7th Virginia Cavalry, later joining the bodyguard of the intrepid and daring Turner Ashby. He was with Stonewall Jackson in all his battles except one. He was first wounded at Brandy Station in June, 1862; was again wounded and captured at Gettysburg and imprisoned on David's Island, in the East River, New York. Having been exchanged, he returned to duty and was again wounded and captured at Cedar Creek and remained a prisoner at Fort Delaware until the close of the war. In announcing his death the New York Tribune (January 30) headed the notice and appropriately, 'The bravest man of the South never dies here.' The funeral services were held under the auspices of the Camp, and he was laid to rest on January 30 in the beautiful plot of the Confederate veterans at Mount Hope Cemetery, where sleep so many of his comrades. The ceremonies were attended by the Camp and many sympathizing friends, among whom were a number of nobel women, who by their presence tightended more closely the cords of affection, appreciation, and homage in which the sons of the South have ever held them. Comrade Wagner is survived by his wife, who for so many years shared his fortunes, and to her heartfelt sympathy of the members of the Camp is extended. "These brave comrades have gone to take their place in the ranks of the Great Commander with Lee, Jackson, Polk, Cleburne, Gordon, and a host of others. Peace to their ashes!"
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, March, 1915.
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