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Co. Aytch, Sam Watkins

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Memoranda on arrest of Leonard Noyes by Confederate Privateer.

Leonard Noyes.-Born in Connecticut. Went at twelve years of age to New York to learn a trade. Left his master at sixteen. Lived several years in various places in Connecticut. Then went to Key west in a fishing smack. Lived there, fishing, wrecking and working at his trade. Returned to New York. Went to California in a sailing vessel. Returned in another vessel by way of Sandwich Islands. Afterward went to Key West, where he remained as a fisherman, wrecker, &c. was taken prisoner in a Northern fishing vessel by one of our privateers. Says he owes allegiance to the United States. I suggest he be held as a prisoner of war.

SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1463

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