In deep sorrow, Jenkins Camp U. C. V., of Parkersburg, W. Va., records the death of loved and esteemed comrades whose passing sadly depletes it membership. Robert C. Tucker, who died on June 3, 1922, was born in Amelia County, Va., in 1847. In defense of his native State he enlisted in Company B, Stark's Battalion of Light Artillery, A. N. V., in 1863, and served faithfully until the surrender at Appomattox. He participated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Cold Harbor, in front of Petersburg, and Sailors Creek. For the past twenty-three years he had made his home in Parkersburg, and for that time had been a valued and honored member of Jenkins Camp. As a soldier, he was brave, patriotic, and to the day of his death he never doubted for one moment the justness of the cause he so gallantly and faithfully defended: but when the mighty struggle was over, he accepted the situation and gave allegiance to the laws of the reunited country. As a business man, he was upright, conscientious, and conspicuously honest in all his dealings. He was in the best sense of the word a gentleman, a man of high honor and strict integrity. He naturally made friends, and left behind him a host of admirers who lament his death. He was married in 1873 to Miss Mary F. Smith, who, with five children, is left to mourn the loss of one they loved so well. He was a loving husband, and affectionate father, and a generous and faithful friend. James F. Dugan, was born in Berkley County, Va., (now West Virginia), March 10, 1840. At the time of the John Brown raid, in 1859, he was a member of the State Guard, and was on duty at Harper's Ferry. He witnessed the execution of two of Brown's accomplices. At the beginning of the War between the States he was a member of Company E, Second Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade, participating in the first battle of Manassas; was with Jackson all through the Valley campaign, in the battles around Richmond, at Fredericksburg, and lost an arm at Chancellorsville. In 1865 he was married to Miss Katherine Gordon, a relative of Gen. J. B. Gordon, who survives him with four sons and three daughters. In 1866 he secured employment with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, removing to Parkersburg in 1902. He continued with this company as watchman until his retirement in 1914. Comrade Dugan was a man of genial temperment, pleasing address, courteous to all, and susceptable of the warmest and most generous attachments. He was respected and beloved by all his acquaintances; a brave soldier, an honest man, and a faithful friend. Charles H. Turner, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1841, and died in Parkersburg, W. Va., April 5, 1922. He removed to New Orleans, La., in 1853, and engaged in the plumbing business. At the beginning ot the War between the States, he was a member of the Louisiana Rifle Rangers, afterwards forming part of the 6th Regiment, Louisiana Infantry. This regiment became a part of the celebrated "Louisiana Tigers." He participated in the of Manassas, in all the battles of the Valley campaign, in the battles around Richmond, and followed the fortunes of the Army of Northern Virginia until ots surrender at Appomattox. He was severely wounded at Gaines's Mill and again at Antietam. At Second Manassas his company lost all its officers, and the command devolved upon him as orderly sergeant. In all four years of service he did his duty as a soldier, bravely, courageously, and with conspicuous fidelity to his State and the cause for which he fought. At the close of the war comrade Turner made his home in Parkersburg, where he built up a large and lucrative business. He served one term as mayor of his adopted city with honesty and fidelity to its best interests. In 1866 he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Williams, who survives him with five children. In the death of comrade Turner, Camp Jenkins has lost a valued and esteemed member, and the community an honest and conscientious citizen. A good and noble man has departed this life. [From Edgar Heermans, Commander Jenkins Camp U. C. V.)
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, August, 1922.
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