The brave soul of Capt. George Washington Peacock answered the last roll call with the same courage and strength of spirit as when in young manhood he had answered at Appomattox. His old comrades speak of his valor and say he was a good soldier and that throughout his seventy-seven years of life "he fought a good fight." Before the war he had joined the Washington Rifles and was mustered into the Confederate service on March 18, 1861, as a member of Company E, 1st Georgia Regiment. His bravery won promotion for him, and in April, 1862, he was elected first lieutenant of Company B, 12th Georgia Battalion. He was severely wounded at Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, and was at home on furlough when Sherman went through that section. Lieutenant Peacock had captured a Yankee soldier and turned him over to Wheeler's Cavalry, and later he was captured by a band of Sherman's men. As he had been wounded, he asked leniency of the officers in command, but was sentenced to be shot the next day. That night as they were encamped near Riddleville he made his escape while the guards were asleep. The next day he hid under a large root of a tree and saw the Yankees searching for him. As soon as his strength permitted he rejoined his company and served to the close of the war. He and his relative, Capt. B. S. Boatright, were together throughout the war, and now the thirty members of their company only Captain Boatright survives. Captain Peacock was a member of Camp Graybill, U. C. V. Though during the late years he had lived in Augusta, he always attended the meetings of the Camp. He was always present on Memorial Day to clasp hands with his old comrades and to be cordially welcomed by the Daughters of the Confederacy, to whom he was always a friend. He will be greatly missed at these patriotic meetings, but his comrades will look forward to a happy reunion in the great beyond.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, December, 1916.
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