Mrs. Phillips, wife of Philip Phillips, having been once imprisoned for her traitorous proclivities and acts at Washington and released by the clemency of the Government, and having been found training her children to spit upon officers of the United States, for which act of one of those children both her husband and herself apologized and were again forgiven, is now found on the balcony of her house during the passage of the funeral procession of Lieutenant De Kay laughing and mocking at his remains, and on being inquired of by the commanding general if this fact were so, contemptuously replied, "I was in good spirits that day."
It is therefore ordered that she be not "regarded and treated as a common woman" of whom no officer or soldier is bound to take notice, but as an uncommon, bad and dangerous woman, stirring up strife and inciting to riot, and that therefore she be coiifined at Ship Island, in the State of Mississippi, within proper limits there until further orders, and that she be allowed one female servant and no more if she so choose; that one of the houses for hospital purposes be assigned her as quarters and a soldiers ration each day served out to her with the means of cooking the same, and that no verbal or written communication be allowed with her except through this office, and that she be kept in close confinement until removed to Ship Island.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 4, pg. 105
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