Private M. M. Phillips, Co. F, 42d Mississippi, aged 23 years, was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863, by a musket ball, which entered the posterior and outer aspect of the left buttock, fractured the neck of the femur, and emerged in the left groin. He was captured and removed to the hospital for Confederates, and was treated by the expectant plan. On July 22d he was transferred by rail to the De Camp Hospital, in New York Harbor. The wounds of entrance and exit had healed. He was able to walk by the aid of a crutch or cane and suffered no pain. The limb was shortened one and three-quarter inches. By flexing and rotating the limb true osseous crepitus was obtained. There was no inversion or eversion. The patient, much against his will, was placed upon a fracture-bed, where extension was produced for six weeks by a twelve-pound weight acting over a pulley. He was then permitted to rise and directed to use passive motion and friction. On September 20, 1863, he was paroled, being able to walk without assistance of any kind. The limb was short ened one and a quarter inches. The case is reported by Acting Assistant Surgeon George Edwards.
SOURCE: Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Volume 2, Part 3.
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