J. W. Prowell, a pioneer resident of the vicinity of Eldorado Springs, Mo., having gone in 1851 to Cedar County from Kentucky, where he was born March 13, 1827, died at his home, near that town, on May 21, 1916. Captain Prowell was one of those heroes who responded to the call of their country in 1846, and as aid-de-camp to General Scott he entered the city of Mexico at the head of the victorious American forces. He also bore a conspiuous part in the War between the States as captain of Company D, Walker's Regiment, of Raines's Division. Captain Prowell was a commanding figure in Cedar County for the past fifty years, and there are few men within its borders who did more to reclaim it from trackless wilderness and transform it into a region of cultivated farms and happy homes and to keep it abreast with the times in the advancing march of development and civilization, He was a man of energy and great force of character and was always active in giving his support to all measures and influences that he believed would promote the moral and social, as well as the material, welfare of the community in which he resided. Unassuming and ruggedly honest, he always sought as his highest duty to live up to those ideals of conduct that are esteemed the crowning virtues of good citizenship, and he has left behind him an example that will be a heritage of pride and an incitement to others to lead better and more useful lives. He was a true friend, a good neighbor, and in all the relations of life stood loyally and steadfastly by his convictions of right and duty. He is survived by two sons and three daughters.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, September, 1916.
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