Letter from Ro. Ould to BG S.A. Meredith regarding death sentence of PVT John H. Maynadier
Richmond, Va., November 28, 1863.
Brig. Gen. S. A. MEREDITH, Agent of Exchange:
Sir: I have been informed that Private John H. Maynadier, First Virginia Cavalry, has been condemned to death, and that the sentence was to have been carried into effect on the 25th instant, but that the time has been extended. I am very well satisfied from the representations of his companion that young Maynadier was no spy. There may be circumstances suspicious in his case which a full knowledge of all the facts would entirely remove. I will be obliged to you if you will inform me of his present condition and what further proceedings are contemplated in his case. If it will be allowed I would like to present some facts which I think would satisfy your authorities that the young man was not a spy.
Respectfully, & c.,
Agent of Exchange.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 6, pg. 590.
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