Samuel Reeves.-Cripple; age twenty-four; born in Prince William, at Occoquan; arrested by Prince William Cavalry. Says he was told he was arrested on suspicion of infidelity. Voted for Lincoln; expressed penitence for his vote. Voted for reference, to the people of the action of the convention. Did not vote on question of secession because he found he was going wrong and wanted to separate from the persons who had deceived him. Says his father is a shoemaker, and he (prisoner) has been a cripple since he was two years old. Depends on his father for his support. Usually voted with his father, but got to drinking with Gould and other Northern men. They persuaded him Lincoln was the best man for the Presidency and would make money plenty and give him good employment. His only occupation has been on wood boats and fishing. Has not been on a wood boat for a year. Has been fishing since the difficulties commenced with Captain Gray and Marshal Davis. Did not go out of Occoquan Bay but once, and then went only three-fourths of a mile out. Caught nothing but white perch. Met no boats except boats from Occoquan. Had no communication of any kind with the enemy or persons connected with them. Had no communication with Mr. Abe Lincoln associates. Has completely separated himself from them, and goes with the South. Is willing to take the oath of allegiance. Mr. Lynn, delegate from Prince William, says he knows the father of this man well. He knew his brother well. They are all men of truth and true Southern men. He knew less of the prisoner. He has always been a cripple. He was led off by the Underwood party. They had plenty of money and prisoner was led to frolic and associate with them. He voted with them until the troubles began. He then separated from them and has since continued separate from them. He knows when that party left prisoner could have left with them, but he chose to separate himself from them. He says prisoner in consequence of his vote and association with the Underwood party has been watched, and is satisfied he has behaved with propriety since our troubles began. He says the village of Occoquan is purified from the tories and the prisoner could not communicate with the enemy if he wished, but thinks he does not wish. He thinks this man is a man of truth and integrity. In this case there are no charges against the prisoner. There is no evidence he has committed any offense either against Virginia since secession or against the Confederate Government. He is too much crippled to be a soldier, and from Mr. Lynn's testimony cannot do injury as a spy if he were so disposed. He seems to be honest and truthful. I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance. JANUARY 21, 1862. Acted on and Samuel Reeves ordered to be discharged.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pgs. 1472-1473
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