On December 2, 1915, Rev. Edward R. Richardson passed away at his home, in Avon Park, Fla. On the night of his return from Missouri, where he spent the summer with his daughter, he suffered a paralytic stroke, and death came in a few weeks. Mr. Richardson was born April 30, 1833, near Horrey Falls, N. Y. Preparing himself as an attorney at law, he practiced in the highest courts of the nation and at various times in the States of Nebraska, Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and Florida. As a young man of firm convictions, he enlisted for the Confederacy in the War between the States and attained a colonelcy. He was sworn into the Missouri State Guard on April 13, 1861, by Gen. M. Jeff Thompson as third lieutenant of Company A. The company was reorganized after the battle of Carthage and became Company K, 1st Regiment of Infantry, 3d Division, Col. John T. Hughes. Mr. Richardson was then appointed commissary, with the rank of captain. When the State troops were turned over to the Confederacy, in December, 1861, he was attached to Company E, 3d Regiment, 1st Missouri Brigade, under General Little. He went to the army east of the Mississippi River at Corinth, Miss., and was then on the general staff as commissary of the Army of the West. He was later transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department and placed on scout duty. He was wounded by a fragment of shell from a gunboat at Marion, Ark., in 1864, captured, and taken to Memphis and placed in the Irving Block. Exchange was refused, but he was paroled and had no further chance for active service. After the war he resumed the practice of law, in which he was more than successful; but as the years passed by a severe throat trouble compelled him to seek refuge in Florida. He gave up the practice of law and was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church, serving the Churches at Crete, Nebr., St. Joe, Mo., Bonham, Tex., and De Land, Fla. He went to Avon Park in 1896 and was rector of the Church of the Redeemer there until January, 1914, when advancing age caused him to resign. He was a thirty-second degree Mason and had yeoman service for Masonry. Mr. Richardson was married in November, 1860; and of this union there were three children, two daughters and a son, who survive him.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, July, 1916.
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